Campground fully booked? Schnerp it!

We check reservation websites for cancellations, and notify you when a spot opens up. It's completely free to try.

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    We scan Parks Canada and Alberta/BC/Ontario Provincial parks and ACC Huts.

    How it works

    1. Create a request - Select your campground, arrival dates, and preferred sites. We do backcountry and day trips too!
    2. Wait for a notification - We'll regularly refresh the reservation site so you don't have to.
    3. Book that spot - If we find an opening, we'll send you an email or text. Click the link to reservation page, and book that spot.

    Want to learn more? Read the FAQs

    Avoid opening day

    Not everyone can book on opening day. And if you can, someone still might beat you to it.

    We're here for the procrastinators, the new parents, the backcountry planners, the hard workers, and for anyone who can't book so far in advance.

    Not convinced? See all reviews

    Try for free, subscribe for more

    We'll start you with 10 free email notifications, so you can dial in your requests and schnerp a couple on us.

    If you need more, or want premium options like text messages, you can subscribe to a paid plan.

    Read about our pricing

    Try today for free

    We'll start you off with 10 free notifications, so you can dial in your requests and schnerp one on us